I am soooooo frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gluten...... that’s why. It’s everywhere, all around me, it’s at every corner,
at every turn.
I can’t seem to run far enough. I’m tired of been always hungry and of salads and almost bland boring foods (since most sauces or condiments have some sort of gluten). Every time i pick a morsel of food have to think twice about putting it in my mouth(sigh).
I can’t seem to run far enough. I’m tired of been always hungry and of salads and almost bland boring foods (since most sauces or condiments have some sort of gluten). Every time i pick a morsel of food have to think twice about putting it in my mouth(sigh).
Being a celiac/gluten intolerant in South Africa feels like the worst thing
that could happen. Where do you start. My most import question- what is there to
eat? Life without bread is a constant struggle an inner turmoil. The bread
dreams, my nightmares. Bagguettes, brioches, ciabatta, panini, kitka, hot steaming just
baked sourdough bread, rotis, garlic roghni naan, cheesy parathas, focaccias, scones
dressed in strawberry jams and a dollop of cream, pancakes drenched in maple
syrup and a blob of butter, gooey pizza, chocolate glazed doughnuts, cinnamon
glazed chelsea buns, hot cross buns, red velvets and my favorite CHOCOLATE CAKE
layered with chocolate whipped cream and smothered in dark decadent chocolate
ganache all doing a grand food dance to Be My Guest from Beauty and the Beast
and in the end, the finale, a sign lights up, it says ‘Eat Us’. I wake up in a
The hardest part comes from family and friends, who for some reason just
can’t grasp why I can’t eat gluten. Most think you on some kind of weird diet. And there’s the, just eat it, nothing will
happen it’s all in your head.... hmmmmm.Then there’s, eat a little every day your body
will adjust to it(but it’s not an allergy).
In all my frustration I have to remember before I was a celiac, I had no
foggiest idea what gluten was. I had to educate myself. So I really shouldn’t
be presumptuous in thinking everyones ignorant. Like most thing not understood
in life education is important.(a note to myself and all other Celiacs in South