Be Yourself and Be Free
Don’t worry about getting somewhere, going somewhere or attaining to
something. This worry and impatience is only the ego. Everything you have
already attained is inside of you. You just have to qualify yourself in order
to recognize this, your Self.
The moment you see the impatience that makes your mind run, not being
peaceful, content, in the present moment, not appreciative of yourself,
starting to run with competition, jealousy and envy, just stop it! Ask
yourself, “What am I searching for?” Enquire again, What am I getting” Will it
make me free, or not? And you see that it is an illusion you are running after.
You already are everything. This way of thinking and enquiring will
bring you wisdom from within and another way of seeing things.
Have trust and faith that all is perfect. Just relax. Don’t worry. God’s
plan will just unfold. Trust the process. Assert. “I AM.” Everything will work
out the way it was meant to. Things will come and go; life will play itself out
and fade out like a movie, if you do not buy into it. Remain in your Self. Enjoy
the peace and silence of the inner Self. By Yoga Master Swami Sivananda.